Drone on the ground
©Trine Lise Helgerud/Fylkesmannen Troms og Finnmark

Rules about using drones in the Lyngenfjord region

Below, we've gathered information on how to responsibly and legally use drones in the Lyngenfjord region.

Droneguide by Luftfartstilsynet

Luftfartstilsynet has made a guide for the use of drones for play and leisure. Using drones for activities that exeed these guidelines, will get you fined. Shortened guides have been made in several languages and are available on Luftfartstilsynets webpages:



Vuelos recreativos con drones 


From 1.1.2021 there are new regulations for everyone flying a drone - check the updated information from the civil aviation authority

Main rules:
  1. The drone should always be kept within your sight and operated in a mindful and considerate manner. Never fly near accident sites.

  2. Never fly closer than 5 km from airports unless you have explicit clearance to do so.

  3. Never fly higher than 120 meters off the ground

  4. Never fly over festivals, military facilities or sporting events. Keep a distance of 150 meters.

  5. Be considerate of others privacy. Take note of the rules concerning photos and films of other people.

Important to note:

Within the Lyngen Alps Landscape protected area, the Reisa National Park and other protected areas the use of drones is prohibited unless you have a special permit. If you would like to fly within a conservation area where drone flights are prohibited, you may apply for a permit. More information about permits, and other useful resources can be found here (only in Norwegian)

Are you planning to take photos/film with your drone? Then you have to follow the privacy guidelines. Read more here (only in Norwegian).

There are separate rules and guidelines for drones used for commercial work. More information and details can be found here.