Shops in Nordreisa
Nordreisa has many shops, restaurants and cafés. Here you will find all that you need.
Nordreisa has many shops, restaurants and cafés. Here you will find all that you need.
Kronebutikken - in Sørkjosen is an old general store from the early 1900s that contains a shop with local handcrafts, food and books, as well as the workshop of Reisa skinnprodukter(leather products like purses, warm hats, jewelry).
Flexi klær AS - Women's clothes, yarn and sewing supplies
Sofies gull & ur - Jeweler selling jewelry and interior.
Kaffekiin - The coffee roastery Kaffekiin can be found at the Lykkesenteret at Storslett. Kaffekiin roasts its own coffee in a great coffee roastery (same premises as Hills Cafe).
Hills Cafe - Café and coffee shop that you will find at Lykkesenteret in Storslett. They serve many different varieties of coffee drinks (made with locally roasted coffee from kaffekiin), tea, cakes, light lunch.
Skin Tonic Storslett - Perfumery and cosmetics.
Sport 1 - Sports shop
Midt i blinken - Women`s clothes
Princess - Interior
Min mote - Clothing, shoes and equipment for children
Vinmonopolet - Liquor store
Spar - Grocery store
Flortex - Children, women's, men and sporting goods store
Bohus - Furnitures and interior
Montèr - Hardware store
Marmoor - Women`s clothes
Nille - Interior
Elon - Electronics store
Sentrum bok og papir - Bookshop
Sentrum sko og klær - Clothes and shoes
Helt naturlig - Healt food and gifts