Maursund Gård - Nord Troms Museum

Maursund Farm - Nord Troms Museum

At the historic Maursund farm near Skjervøy, you can experience an authentic trading centre with roots back to the 17th century.
Maursund farm has an idyllic location right down by the fjord.

Did you know the trading post had its golden age from the late 18th century right up to the late 19th century...?

Maursund was extremely well located on the maritime route, which made the area and the farm attractive for the Trondheim merchants who starting the trading post. The economy was based on a combination of farming, fishing, large-scale trade and transport by traditional boat.

Experience a different era
The museum area comprises of a fembøringsnaust (boathouse for a femboring, a traditional Nordland boat designed for five pairs of rowers) and the beautiful farmhouse. You can experience the atmosphere from a different time, see exciting exhibitions and on special occasions taste traditional food from the coast.

Opening hours and ticket prices can be found here
