Koppangen Brygger

Boattransport to Strupen for skiing - Koppangen Brygger

Koppangen Brygger offer boattransport to Strupen, where you start the climb up and make the traverse back to Koppangen.
The boat take up to 8 persons. Contact us a day in advance to arrange a time.
Startingpoint: Koppangen Brygger, Koppangen
Route: Koppangen - Strupen
Practical information: Contact us a day in advance to arrange a time. Weather permitting

Price from: NOK 1.400 up to 8 persons
Length of the journey: 20 min
Age limit: None
Requirements: Good physical shape. Recommend you have a guide with you.

Check out this video to see the trip.
Phone: +47900 87 005