Utsikt mot Lyngsalpene og Lyngenfjorden fra Revdalen
©Petr Pavlicek

In the footsteps of Jan Baalsrud - Gentlemansteinen - part of the Jan Baalsrud escape route

This is a steep trail directly from the Lyngenfjord and up Revdalen to the Gentlemansteinen (a rock) which lies by Innerelva ca 680 meters above sea level.

During his dramatic escape through the Lyngenfjord region during World War II, Jan Baalsrud had help beeing drawn up the valley on a sledge. Helpers from Manndalen was supposed to pick him up, but didn't make it. Jan Baalsrud was hid under a rock (Gentlemansteinen), here he was for 10 days before the helpers from Manndalen found him and brought him to the cave in the Manndalen valley.


Park your car in the quarry or one of the other parkingspots around Innerelva. If you are arriving from the south, Innerelva is the first larger river you pass after driving through the Larsberg tunnel (first tunnel after Skibotn). You can also park by Hotel Savoy (no signs) and walk the ca 900 m to the start of the path. Hotel Savoy is an interesting place to visit if you are interested in war history and the story of Jan Baalsrud.

The path starts on the north side of Innerelva. It is marked by a pole. The path is steep until you get above the tree line. There is no possibility to fill up your water bottle along the path, so we recommend you to bring enough water for the hike. The view of the Lyngenfjord and the Lyngenalps is amazing! When you reach 500 m.a.s.l. and you've passed the last trees, the path growes less visible. Follow the cairns towards a closed of gamme.

From here, keep south east towards Innerelva (river). Do not go straight to the river but keep heading diagonally up untill you can look down on the river. Follow the river untill it widens - on the other side, just below the Larsbergmountains you can see a large rock with a silver sign - the gentleman rock.

You now have to cross the river at a safe place and walk ca 100 meters back to get to the rock.

The route back is the same as hiking up.

Photos: Petr Pavlíček