Reisa Lodge

Address: Reisadalen 3322, 9154 Storslett
Location: Storslett
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Directions: Reisa Lodge is situated 33 kilometers from Storslett, and 36 kilometers from Sørkjosen airport.
It is also possible to rent a car in Tromsø or in Alta or to travel with bus. It is a 4 hour drive from Tromsø and a 3 hour drive from Alta.

GPS coordinates

Coordinates to device
Latitude: 69.5325368723554
Longitude: 21.361541540347
Latitude: 69° 31' 57"
Longitude: 21° 21' 42"

Booking only takes 2 minutes

Safe and secure. The booking process only takes a couple of minutes. You provide all your details via a cryptic page so rest assured that all personal and credit card details are secure.

No.1 for online booking. Visit Lyngenfjord to offer a wide range of accommodation and activities all year round and it is easy to choose what suits you best.

Quick and efficient support If you have any questions related to your booking, we will be happy to assist you. Please contact us by e-mail or call us at +47 77 21 08 50 or use our chat function on our website.
Visit Lyngenfjord office hours Mon - Fri 9am (09:00) - 4pm (16:00)

Book with us

  • Official booking site for the Lyngenfjord region
  • Wide range of activities
  • No booking fees
  • Secure payment
  • Support the local economy - keep it local
  • A sustainable destination in the north
  • Quick and easy
  • Booking only takes 2 minutes

    Safe and secure. The booking process only takes a couple of minutes. You provide all your details via a cryptic page so rest assured that all personal and credit card details are secure.

    No.1 for online booking. Visit Lyngenfjord to offer a wide range of accommodation and activities all year round and it is easy to choose what suits you best.

    Quick and efficient support If you have any questions related to your booking, we will be happy to assist you. Please contact us by e-mail or call us at +47 77 21 08 50 or use our chat function on our website.
    Visit Lyngenfjord office hours Mon - Fri 9am (09:00) - 4pm (16:00)

    Book with us

  • Official booking site for the Lyngenfjord region
  • Wide range of activities
  • No booking fees
  • Secure payment
  • Support the local economy - keep it local
  • A sustainable destination in the north
  • Quick and easy
  • Build: 19/02/2025 09:31:57, Host: CBONLINEBOTS01, DB: o3.cbguide-7864.cbischannel-26454.v1, Controller: Accommodation, Action: showdetailsmapinfo